Thursday, April 2, 2015

Two and a Half!

Today Hannah turned 2.5 years old. She has changed so much in the past six months. She is still very reserved and stranger-averse. However, there is nothing baby about this girl anymore. Well except she really likes to talk baby talk and pretend to be a baby. But except that. She runs and jumps and climbs and does her best to keep up with the other kids despite the fact that she is not super athletic. She is still a little adventurer and loves going down fast slides that are up high and swinging high enough that she goes totally horizontal and anything like that. She loves being silly and will say ridiculous things followed by "Just Joking!" and then laughs hysterically. She thinks gross humor is hilarious so Joshua and she love burping or pretending to be dogs going potty or anything like that. She is our little fashionista. She has definitely surpassed Clara in dressing skills which may be because changing her outfit is a hobby of hers. She also prefers to wear jammies if she isn't going out and really likes coming in and then going back out, so she ends up changing from jammies to clothes a fair amount. She has very strong opinions about how she looks and really loves the outfit she has that entails pink pants. She gets really mad if you try to make her wear an outfit she doesn't want to wear or to make her wear a ponytail when she wants a headband or to make her wear a diaper when she wants to wear a pull-up. She loves wearing her tutu. Her favorite book is probably the one called 'Princess Hannah' that has pictures of her in it that Aunt Michelle and Uncle Sam got her for Christmas. She loves to sing and singing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' is her favorite song. She also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins. She loves going outside, but she isn't hard core and doesn't prefer to be outside in the rain and cold. She weighs approximately 25 lbs and is about 34 inches tall. She is our sweet girl who keeps us laughing and we love her so much!

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