Friday, April 24, 2015

And We're Off

I overall have very mixed feelings about Jason's job. On one hand, I am really glad he likes his job. Lots of people don't and I would hate for him to have to do something he didn't enjoy. And, though it may be different in a few years when the kids are in more activities, for now his travel schedule works pretty well for us. It's hard when he has to be gone for a long time, but that really isn't that often. And we both like his normal travel schedule of being gone 1-3 nights a week because I need a certain amount of time alone to be happy and he enjoys traveling in moderation. However, it is a really encompassing job that requires me personally to sacrifice a lot of my personal goals like a job or outside activities and that's my main complaint. So it's a mixed bag.

But one really good thing about his job is that, when his reps make their sales quota, Jason, as part of the sales team, gets to go on the incentive trip and bring a spouse. He has had a string of unsuccessful reps, so we hadn't been since Las Vegas, but this past year his rep made his number. So we get to go to Maui. This is super exciting because I was just saying to him that I wanted to go to Hawaii again (since it takes so long to get home, it usually takes 2-3 years before I feel ready to fly so far again, but I am ready now) and I wasn't sure how we would make it work since airfare is ridiculous to get there. So I was super thrilled to get to go and not pay airfare.

We left for LA yesterday to stay overnight, since we couldn't make the entire trip in a day and still make it in time for the welcome reception in Maui. This has made the trip super relaxing and comfortable and I would consider splitting it up for all future trips. It's especially nice because the week before vacation is so stressful to pack everything and get all the last-minute projects done. I don't think I got more than four hours sleep any night this week and that's not enough for me, so I was exhausted yesterday and so was Jason. It was so nice to sleep well last night and start today well-rested. Plus we have Kindles (well Jason is borrowing the one I just bought for the kids) so it makes the flights enjoyable. Jason is catching up on 24 and I am watching The Americans.I do think we will eventually be a five-Kindle family because they are just so much fun. Well really we will be a six-Kindle family because I also have an old-fashioned reader with e-ink which I love and do virtually all my reading on and will certainly replace if it ever dies, though it's still as good as new after four and a half years.

We are having a fun trip so far and can't wait to get to Maui!

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