Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Five Senses

This week we were learning about ourselves, and especially our five senses.  On our bike ride in the park, we looked for things that were hard, soft, rough, and smooth. Joshua was really excited about hedge apples, which are both hard and rough.

We smelled different scents. Joshua was fascinated by the smelly stick that was cinnamon.

As a treat and a way to engage all our senses, we made some popcorn. We listened to it pop, smelled it while it was cooking, saw it being put in bowls, touched it when we picked it up, and finally tasted it.

As always, popcorn is a huge hit in our family, though Joshua doesn't look that thrilled in this photo. He was much happier than he looks since popcorn was his idea for a "really special snack" and it happened to be on my list of things to do this week anyhow.

Similar to the smell jars, we talked about the five main tastes we have and tasted a representative flavor from each. I know umami is a little bit controversial as a taste, but I think most people consider it one at this point and since I do want my kids to cook, they should know about that anyway. We did salt, sugar, unsweetened cocoa, lime juice, and soy sauce. Joshua is so sensory seeking. He liked them all except the soy sauce. I knew he overall liked way darker chocolate than is normal for a child, but I was surprised he didn't hate the cocoa. Clara liked the lime juice best. And Hannah liked the sugar best, as did Joshua if pressed to pick a favorite.

We had a fun week doing various activities and learning about how our bodies receive information about the world.

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