Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pumpkin Carving Party

Our friends the Hansons have hosted a pumpkin carving party for years, always inviting us.  This year I decided Joshua was old enough to do it, so I took him and Clara. We stopped to get a pumpkin on the way (the selection was not ideal).  At the party there was a lot of great food, including a delicious pumpkin cheesecake that Clara couldn't stop eating, which is how you know it's really good.  Then we carved the pumpkin.  Our pumpkin had been commandeered by someone else, but Jason had an extra one that he lent to us.  I asked Joshua for his input on the design, but and chose various facial features from the other ones that had already been carved, and I dutifully drew the outlines on the pumpkin.  I then cut out the top, and removed the innards.  Joshua really enjoyed using his hand to dig out the goop and throw it in a pile.  It was disgustingly awesome to him.  I then cut out the face, and he helped me carve.  The resulting face looks more surprised than scary, but were happy with it.  Joshua also enjoyed exploring the premisis, where he found a helmet that he thought was a football helmet (it wasn't), and what he thought was a couple dog bones, which Jason informed him were actually deer antlers.  Joshua was really pumped about both findings, and especially about combining them into a single horned-helmet thing.  We had a great time, and we'll definitely plan to go back next year.

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