Friday, May 15, 2015

A Hair Tragedy

Well, this is not good.  This morning Joshua and Clara snuck downstairs, and Joshua cut Clara's hair.  A lot.  Like seven inches of hair.  Meghan and I were pretty crushed.  Hair grows so slowly, and she had such pretty long hair that looked great on her.  It's probably going to take a year to grow back to where it was.  But there's nothing we can do about it now, other than to get it cut really short so it's even.  At least we don't have family pictures, school pictures, Christmas, Easter, her birthday, or any other major photo even coming up.  We were also worried about her.   She knew Joshua cut her hair, but I think because she could still feel it on her shoulders, she didn't realize the full impact of what happened.  She also especially liked her long hair, so we were worried that when she got her haircut she would be crushed.

She wasn't.  Meghan contacted Christa, who was able to get Clara in this afternoon.  Christa did a great job.  She's a professional hairdresser and said Joshua's hatchet job was the worst she's ever had to try to fix, because so much was cut off high up on the side, probably because most often such small child haircuts are self-inflicted, so it's harder to do that much damage.  But she did a great job of making an actual hair style out of it.  It's much shorter than Meghan or I would prefer, but for a short haircut, it's pretty cute.  Fortunately, Clara has a super cute little face, so she can make pretty much any haircut look good.  So it'll be awhile before it grows out, and by that time, Joshua just might be done being grounded.

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