Thursday, March 12, 2015

Toilet Fishing

We really have tried to do a good job of making sure kids are not unattended near toilets.  Now that Clara and Joshua are potty-trained, they are sometimes in the bathroom by themselves when they are using it, but we are always monitoring the situation.  This has prevented us from having an issues with items being flushed down toilets.  Recently, though, there was a breach in our system, and Joshua announced he had flushed a Pull-Up down the toilet.  Hannah backed him up, and that's not the type of thing he'd make up, so we figured it was probably true.  I checked it, and sure enough, the toilet wasn't flushing properly.  I had no idea how to address the situation, so I first tried to reach as deep and far back as I could (which made Meghan want to vomit just from thinking about it), but I couldn't feel the diaper.  My good friend Google told me that I should acquire a toilet augur (sometimes called a closet augur, which baffled me until I remembered that sometimes bathrooms are called water closets, so I'm guessing that's why, but I don't know.).  So I went to Home Depot and bought one, which was fortunately only $9.  I deployed it into the depths of the toilet until it could go no further, cranking away hoping to drill into the Pull-Up, wherever it may be.  I then tried to pull it out and felt resistance.  I wasn't sure if it was because I'd hooked the diaper or because I'd gotten the augur stuck in all the curves.  I pulled harder, and nothing happened.  But after one more tug, I heard a gurgle and saw a big air bubble come to the surface.  I was then able to pull a little more, and Minnie's face then emerged, and victory was mine   This was like a gross toilet fishing expedition. I knew that I had either hooked the big one and just had to find a way to reel it in, or else the equipment was stuck somewhere and wasn't going to be coming back to me in one piece. Like a good long fight with a fish on the end of the line, after some time and effort, I was able to bring in my "prize". But instead of mounting this trophy catch on the wall, it went straight in the trash.

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