Monday, March 2, 2015

Second Haircut

Hannah has only had one haircut in her life and it was just a tiny trim in the back done at home to stop her from having a mullet. I decided she needed a more serious cut this time because her hair was just getting really scraggly and unstyled looking. However, the diameter of her pony tail is still something like the size of a drinking straw and I just couldn't see paying $15 for cutting so little. Plus I feel like there is a low ceiling for how good kids' haircuts can be at this age because they don't cooperate super well. So I just did it myself. She did really well, though she is not the best at following instructions such as "look down". I think it came out pretty well, definitely better than last time. The back is pretty straight. The front I was trying to do a tapered style where it was longer by her face. That didn't totally turn out like I had hoped, so I may trim the front to be even with the back if it starts to bug me. But for now I think it looks cute just as it is. She was excited to have a hair cut and here she is happily eating her reward (gum). The other kids were super jealous. I usually take Clara to the salon, but she seemed really disappointed so I might cut hers. I haven't decided yet. On one hand, she has a lot more hair. On the other, it's longer so it wouldn't be that noticeable if it wasn't perfect. I definitely am going to give Joshua's a try. I have never used clippers so if I really mess it up, well we have some time before Easter photos for it to grow out. And plus he is too young to really care too much about his hair so there is no better time to learn to cut his hair. Especially because, though we keep it a little longer in the winter, I prefer it short in the spring and summer so I feel like I can learn to do that. We may still take him to a stylist in the fall and winter since I feel much less confident in my ability to cut his hair with scissors since it is very thick and looks best point cut and that's something I feel is worth paying someone else to do.

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