Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Clippers: A Whole New World

Today I gave Joshua a haircut. This was harder for me than cutting Hannah's hair because I feel like I've had a short to medium bob my whole life. I know how it goes. That doesn't mean it's as easy as watching a professional, but I have seen hundreds of bobs being cut over the course of my life so at least it seems familiar. I've never even seen anyone get their hair cut with clippers so I felt way less sure of the whole process. I also have no concept of what, say, 1/2 an inch of hair (a 4 guard) looks like on a head (quite a bit shorter than I thought it would). So it was definitely a learning process.

However, I think I got the hang of it. He looks super handsome (full disclosure: it is very rare that I don't think he looks super handsome). The very front may be a little longer than the rest. I may use some scissors on that depending on how it looks after we wash it. But overall I feel like it went well and this is something we can do in the warmer months. I definitely have room to grow with blending and getting it around the ears and a straight neckline, but I think I will do way better next time. Though I hope very much that next month when it's time to do his hair, it's warm enough to go outside. It really did get everywhere. And there was a ton of it since it had gotten way long and out of control. I vacuumed twice and I think that did it, but there was a lot of hair.

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