Saturday, February 21, 2015

Three of Three

This weekend we didn't have a lot of plans so we decided to work on potty training with Hannah a little bit. She had some moments of success, which we definitely praised and treated, but she is definitely reluctant to go on the potty. She seems a little fearful of it. Hopefully she starts to have enough positive experiences with it that it "takes". The other two kids really don't mind standing around in wet diapers. At all. So they have been a little hard to motivate. But Hannah is really against it and asks to be changed constantly, so I am hoping that motivates her to potty train. So far she is super excited about wearing pull-ups (which do nothing to aid in potty training so that isn't exactly a win) and in theory is excited about wearing underwear, but I haven't let her wear it yet because I feel like she needs to go potty regularly before we give that a try. Hopefully soon.

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