Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Disappointing New Trend

This is the scene I came downstairs to this morning. I had heard the girls get up and could hear them playing downstairs. I wasn't really concerned, though, because I thought Joshua was still asleep. He wasn't. Our house is well child-proofed so there is not a lot the girls can do so I am fine with them playing with toys in the morning especially since I can hear them. Joshua is a different story though. He can defeat most child-proofing mechanisms at this point, including door knob covers and drawer latches. He is also super independent so when he comes downstairs he can do things like get out the coloring stuff, get leftover Christmas candy, and get everyone glasses of water. All of which he did this morning. I am not sure what our strategy should be to fix this. I think we are going to focus on kids staying in their room until a parent says it's okay to get up. We haven't been too strict on that because until very recently, they didn't want to do anything except come in our room when they woke up, which isn't a big deal. I generally expect Joshua to be getting more independent and be able to do all these things so I don't really want to discourage that, so I think we are going to focus more on permission and not being downstairs without an adult while also continuing to encourage independence as long as there is supervision.

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