Saturday, January 10, 2015

Loving Citrus Season Part II

Since Jason is gone this weekend, I wanted to have a dessert to make it a little bit more fun. I didn't want to do cookies, though my kids would love that. I just feel a little bit cookied out after so much baking in December. So I wanted something lighter and since we have been loving grapefruit so much, I decided to do a grapefruit sorbet. I did a buttermilk grapefruit sorbet I have made many times before that is super delicious. I wasn't sure how the kids would like it since it is a bit tart, particularly Hannah and Clara since Joshua likes almost everything. Everyone absolutely loved it, including me and it was fun because, like most ice creams or sorbets, it is super easy to make. Which means the kids could help so Joshua helped juice the grapefruits and Clara put the sugar in and Hannah helped with the buttermilk. Joshua is the only one who truly loves to help, but the other two like it because they trust him and he likes it so it made them really happy.


  1. That sounds like a fun activity to do together. Too bad you can't mail sorbet- it sounds delicious! I'm assuming you need an ice cream maker- right?

    1. You could use popsicle molds instead. Will the consistency be the same? No. But I have had luck using sorbet in popsicle molds, though it is definitely harder.

    2. I mean harder like to bite, not harder to do.
