Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Crazy Hair Day!

Today was Crazy Hair Day at Joshua and Clara's school.  There's not much you can do with boy hair to make it crazy if it's short, but one thing you can do is to spray it, which is exactly what I did.  Given a rainbow of color options at Walgreen's (it's not easy to find non-permanent spray hair color), I went with the obvious choice: purple.  I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it ended up looking really good.  I paired it with his K-State outfit for maximum Wildcat effect.  Meghan and Halie did Clara's hair and outfit and went with a Cindy Lou Who theme, matching the hair and then putting her in her Christmas outfit.  Hannah doesn't go to school this year, but we put a little bit of hairspray in her hair so she could join in the fun during the morning.  Halie reported back to us that most kids didn't participate and that Joshua had the craziest hair, and Clara was right up there too.  I'd say that's a win for our family.

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