Monday, November 30, 2015

Grossness and Messiness

Girls are stereotypically clean and neat.  Clara breaks this stereotype.  First, we have her bathroom habits.  She feels wiping, flushing, and washing her hands are optional.  They aren't.  Every time she forgets, as she's exiting the bathroom we'll ask her about it, and she'll often say, "Oops!  Sorry!"  But we don't think she's sorry, and half the time we don't think she actually forgot.  She just doesn't like to do it.  Gross.  So we send her back in to complete all the tasks.  She also likes to eat her own boogers.  That's disgusting.  Aside from the gross things, there's the messiness.  She has a fair amount of books on the bookshelf in her room.  She has a few toys in there too.  And she has a chest of drawers which holds her clothes.  Almost every day, either she or we will clean her room so there's nothing on the floor.  But a day later, it looks like this.  There's stuff everywhere.  Because she likes to stay up for awhile at night before going to sleep, she often reads or plays.  Apparently this involves a lot of trial and error on what book or toy works best, because so many things end up on her floor.  There is often multiple clothing items as well.  If we don't make her clean it the next day, you'd like to think she'd just be put off by the mess and do something about it.  Nope.  It's no problem to her.  She's happy in her little pig sty.

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