Friday, July 3, 2015

Scout Saves the Night

Last night Joshua was not wanting to sleep, or really just not wanting to sleep in his room.  We aren't sure why, but it might have been hearing some fireworks outside that scared him. He would always prefer to sleep in our room, but that's not allowed (except in special circumstances like a storm or something like that).  Last night he woke up after he had been asleep awhile and was crying.  I went in his room to see what was going on.  He was acting sad and said, "I don't want to sleep in my room."  I asked him why not, and he said, "I like my room, but not too much."  "But not too much" is his current way of saying "not really".  I asked him what I could do to make his room better, and he said "use some of the orange spray".  I had no idea what he was talking about, but eventually he told me it's a spray we keep in the project closet.  I had him show me what he was talking about, and it was some Hawaiian-scented Febreze.  So I sprayed that in his room, and he seemed satisfied enough and went back to sleep.  Maybe he thought his room smelled bad?  I don't know.  But a little bit later he called for me again.  He again said he didn't like his room, and again I asked him what I could do to make it better, and he perked up and said, "I know.  How about Scout!"  Scout used to be a fixture in his room every night but for the past year or so Scout has been in our basement after he fell out of favor.  I went down to the basement, found Scout, changed his batteries, and gave him to Joshua, who was very happy.  He then fell asleep and stayed asleep the rest of the night. 

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