Friday, December 4, 2015

Nutcracker Tea Party

Today was my date day with Clara. I decided to take her to the Nutcracker Tea Party, which includes a tea party and then an abbreviated show that lasts about an hour. When we arrived, it was very festive and some of the ballerinas sprinkled her with fairy dust.

We did not have the best table since I bought tickets one day before the performance, but it was close to the gift shop. Clara chose a pink nutcracker ornament. The performers walk around before the show and mingle and pose for photographs. Clara was not on board with this first photograph even though they let her hold their teddy bear.

We enjoyed the tea party. Clara did not like tea, so stuck with lemonade and enjoyed cookies more than the other options.

When we tried another picture, this time she was in better spirits. She told them how chicken baby was a lamb just like that for Halloween and they smiled and had no idea what she was talking about. During the performance, they let the kids sit up front, so our table didn't really matter. She lasted about 40 of the 60 minutes before she was kind of done and came back and sat in the back with me. It was a nice afternoon and I think it's a great way to experience the Nutcracker for the first time.

At the end of our date day, I gave Clara a Barbie I had from my Barbie-collecting days: Sugar Plum Fairy Barbie. She was totally excited about it and kept saying, "She used to be yours, but now she's mine." She was pretty exhausted when we got home, but she wouldn't take a nap without sleeping with her new doll.

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