Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Finding Baby Hannah

One time a few months ago when I was putting Hannah to bed, I checked my phone for something (I don't even remember what).  Somehow it resulted in there being a picture of Hannah, and Hannah was interested in that.  The next night, Hannah specifically requested me to find the picture of Baby Hannah.  This is because any version of Hannah in the past is "Baby Hannah" to her.  So I pulled up the pictures on my phone and found a random picture of her.  She wanted to talk about it, but anytime she talks about a picture of her, it's in the third person.  So she'll say things like "Why is Baby Hannah doing that?"  Or "Why is she in that place?".  This became a nightly tradition for me and her, and then she started asking Meghan too when she put her to bed.  But pretty much every night since then, while each kid gets a book, song, and prayer, Hannah always also gets to find Baby Hannah.  "Dad, can we find Baby Hannah?"  At this point I pretty much scroll to a random picture in my past photos and then move slowly until I find a picture with Hannah in it, and then we talk about it.  Usually we'll look at a few, and then we're done, but only because I say so; she'd look at pictures of herself all night if she could.  One of her current favorites is the one she's looking at here which is a picture I took of her in the hotel we stayed in on our way back from Florida this spring.  She's really intrigued by it.  "Look!  It's Chicken Baby!"  "Why Baby Hannah wear those jammies?"  "Why she sleeping in that bed?"  Why she not have any covers on?"  So for the past few nights she's requested that particular picture, "Can we look at Baby Hannah in the hotel?  Like the one where she sleep in that bed?"  This is not something that will continue forever, and it's a little time-consuming as part of an already long bedtime process, but it's pretty cute and fun, so we're continuing it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing that with her!!! She loved watching the videos especially!
