Saturday, June 27, 2015

Gymnastics, Waffle House, Shopping, and Sonic

Today was a date day for me with Hannah.  We are considering putting Hannah in gymnastics in the fall.  Our gymnastics place allows any kids to have a free session as a trial, so this morning I took Hannah to an 8:30 class in her age group.  She liked it quite a bit and did a great job, so we will probably enroll her in the fall.  I took a few pictures of her in her new leotard, but she had her eyes closed in the best one overall.
Since we started the day so early, we went out for breakfast.  As always, Waffle House is my favorite place when I'm with the kids, so I took Hannah there.  She loved her waffles and bacon.

I didn't have any particularly great ideas for what to do for our date day, so I asked her what she wanted to do.  I thought she might say she wanted to go to the zoo or the park or the pool, but she said she wanted to go shopping.  I had some errands I needed to run anyway, so I decided to do those and take her along with me.  She specifically asked if there would be shopping carts, and I told her there would be.  While Joshua and Clara usually prefer to walk in stores, Hannah loves riding in a cart.  So even in the stores where I didn't need a cart, I got one so she could ride in it.  She was so happy to ride around in the carts at all the stores.

It was a pretty warm day, so ice cream sounded like a good idea.  We stopped at Sonic, and I fulfilled her request for "pink ice cream" with a strawberry cream slush.

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