Today we went to Deanna Rose. The kids wanted to go to the park and I needed to go to Costco, so we decided to go mainly for the parks and a location that is on the way to Costco. They had a good time playing at the playground at first.
Since we were there, we did decide to feed some animals. Joshua and Clara wanted to do goats. Hannah seemingly said, "Why would I want to get into a pen with goats who seem to be trying to kill me?" So I held her. And the older two actually wanted to hug and pet the goats more than feed them, but goats only care about food. So the goats tolerated the hugs as long as they didn't impede the acquisition of food. After that, we went to go feed the ducks, which is what Hannah wanted to do, but the ducks had zero interest in eating or moving, maybe because it was hot. Hannah was pretty disappointed.
On our way out we spent some time in the butterfly garden because the kids like the stepping stones. While there, they saw a man who they were convinced was my dad. Not because he looks anything like him, but my dad frequently wears Hawaiian shirts and I am not sure anyone else they know does, and they saw this guy and they were like, "LOOK! Grandpa Williams!" So it was another disappointment when I explained that the man wasn't actually him.
After that, we were out of time. So we left and went to Costco, which my kids actually love because of the free samples. I rarely take samples because I am a stickler for my list and I feel guilty taking things when I am 100% not going to buy them, especially because I try not to buy a ton of processed/freezer foods, which is generally what the samples are, so it's also unlikely that I will buy any of that stuff in the future either. But I am slightly more open to impulse buys when the kids are with me and I do let them choose which granola bars or snack items they want, and it prevents them from touching everything in the store so I do let them eat the samples, which makes them really happy. We topped off the trip with snow cones, so it was a fun day.
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