Monday, June 8, 2015

A Day at the Pool

Today we took advantage of the nice day and went to the pool. There really aren't any pubic pools in Destin or near my mom so we went to the base pool. It reminded me of the pools from my childhood, but the kids still loved it because all they really care about is that they can jump off the edge. They actually are not huge fan of the new zero-depth entry trend because they are basically like, "Why would you remove a jumpable edge?!". They had a lot of fun and it was a nice afternoon.

After dinner, we went to the park near my parents' house. It was a good night for Joshua because we rode bikes (or in his case, a scooter) there, which always makes him happy AND he learned to do the pole for the first time ever. He was super proud as he pretty much thought this was the funnest thing to do at the park ever.

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