Recently we decided to redo Clara's room to make it a little more big girl-y. We've been using Craigslist to acquire pieces, including a chest of drawers, a beanbag, and a cute dollhouse bookshelf. But the centerpiece of the room is the princess bed that resembles Cinderella's carriage. I picked up the bookshelf and then assembled the room while everyone else was in Florida last week, so it was ready for Clara when we got home today. She was really, really excited about it. "Wow! It's so awesome!" We still have some work to do (Meghan is going to create a tulle cover for the bed, and we need to buy some decorations), but the core furniture parts are completed. The only downside is Hannah now believes her bed is woefully inadequate, and she has already suggested that maybe we can go to the store and buy her a princess bed too. We'll see.
That is one very happy girl!!