Friday, November 13, 2015

Using My Tools to Cut the Grass

One of Joshua's most frequent requests this summer has been "Daddy, can I use some of your tools to cut the grass?"  He used to just use his toy saw, but he has seen me use my tools for other things, and he wanted to use them to cut the grass.  Initially I didn't let him use anything sharp, so he would spend a lot of time using pliers to rip small clumps of grass out.  But later in the summer I felt he was responsible enough and let him use a small hacksaw I have.  He's done really well with it. and he's had a lot of fun.  He was creating piles of grass, so I gave him one of my old buckets, and that made him even happier, because he could saw some grass and then throw it in the bucket.  Anytime I'm outside or in the garage he asks if he can use some of my tools to cut the grass, and if I say yes, he asks if he can use my saw,   While it's not enough to actually contribute to the mowing process, it's also not so concentrated that it butchers the yard.  So it's harmless and he has a lot of fun.

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