Tonight was the second night of Vacation Bible School for Joshua. After last night, he didn't seem very enthused about going back tonight, but we encouraged him and told him it would be fine. As we got closer to the time to go, he got more and more upset about having to go back. Meanwhile, normally the plan on Mondays is I take Joshua to his gymnastics class, and then at the end Meghan shows up with Clara (and Hannah), and I take Joshua out to the car and get Clara out of the car, and she and I go in for her class, and Meghan drives Joshua and Hannah home. Because of VBS tonight, the plan was for me to take both girls to Clara's class, and Hannah would sit with me and watch Clara, which she was really excited about. We were getting ready to eat dinner at home when Meghan texted to tell me that Joshua was having a total meltdown as she tried to get him to go into VBS. We decided the best plan would be for her to put him in the day care (which the church provides for children of volunteers of the program who are too young for VBS) and I would come get him, since she couldn't leave due to her volunteering duties. This presented a problem, because my car only fits two kids. So I decided I would pick him up, switch cars to take all three to gymnastics in the CX-9, and then return it to church, drop Hannah off in the day care, and then take the other two home in my car. Logistically complicated, but doable. But when I got to the church to pick up Joshua, he was having fun in day care and didn't want to leave, so instead I just took the girls to gymnastics and then home afterward, and the fire drill was all for naught. Hannah was excited to watch Clara do gymnastics, and here they are doing some warm-ups before we left, and then later Hannah watching her sister while looking forward to the day when she can do it herself (which will be in a few weeks).
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