Sunday, March 1, 2015

Yes, We Do Want To Build a Snowman

When the kids and I were out in the backyard yesterday, I thought maybe it was time to make a snowman.  I'd never made a snowman with them before, as this is really the first snow this winter that even gave us an opportunity, and last year I didn't really think they were old enough to be into it.  But the snow was too dry yesterday, so it didn't work.  Today, though, the snow was wetter and made for easy packing, so I decided we should give it a shot.  Unfortunately, we didn't have much snow on the ground, so we had to settle for a smaller snowman, but it worked out.  It was a team effort, as everyone contributed, though each person's contribution was roughly proportional to their age.  I asked Joshua what he wanted to name him, and he said, "Frosty".  I told him that name was already taken and we had to pick a different name, and he said, "Snowman".  He was apparently not in a creative mood.  I told him we had to choose something else, and he said, "Roo".  I said, "What?"  He said, "Kangaroo".  I said, "You want to name him Kangaroo?" and he said, "No, we'll just name him Frosty."  Argh.  It was at that point that I realized we should give up on finding a name for a guy that will be melted in two days anyway.  Also, I was surprised there was no suggestion of Olaf.  Oh well.  But we had a lot of fun making him, and after I taught Joshua how to make snowballs, he had a blast throwing them everywhere, including at me, when I told him it was okay to do so.  This very well could be the last snow we get this year though, but I'm glad we were able to make the most of it.

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