Monday, December 28, 2015

First Time Sledding

It snowed last night and today for our first snow of the year.  The kids were excited to go out and play in it, and Joshua was really excited about shoveling it.  I was working today, so I wasn’t available to go out front with him, but he was quite content to shovel the deck.  He also enjoyed making snow angels.

Yesterday I bought sleds, as we previously had no sleds that we owned.  I love sledding, and I think the kids are old enough to enjoy it too.  I bought two saucers and a toboggan.  Hannah, being Hannah, needs something a little more low-key and secure, so I bought her a “baby sled” that goes slower and has a seat with a chair-back to support her, and it has a seatbelt strap as well.  That seemed more her speed, and she was pretty pumped in the store when we got it.  In Kansas, you never know now much snow you’re going to get in the winter season.  Usually we get a handful of decent snowfalls, but with my travel schedule, it’s possible I won’t be available during future snows, so I decided to make sure to take advantage of this one and take the kids sledding. So after nap today we packed up and I drove to a nearby hill, which was really just a very small incline next to a neighboring subdivision.  But it was perfect, because no one else was there, and it wasn’t too tall (maybe only a 15-foot elevation difference) and was a gentle slope.  Joshua loved it. I showed him how to do it the first time, and them he took over from there going up and down as many times as he could on his saucer.  Clara liked it a decent amount and was able to bring her sled back up the hill, though it wasn’t easy for her, so I helped her when I could.  Hannah kind of liked it, but it was cold, and we had some mitten issues, so that made it less fun.  But she did really like the safety and security that her baby sled provided.  I also let her ride with me on the toboggan, and she thought that was fun too because I was able to hold her and keep her safe.  I only went once or twice by myself since I was mostly helping the kids, but it was still really fun and made me wish I could go down a big hill by myself, but that doesn’t really happen in my life at this point.  They were cold at the end, and we went home, but until that point they all had a lot of fun, and our first family sledding experience was quite a success.

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